Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Egg Drop Sketches and Quick Models
In class, we collaborated on our next project, which is to build a container that will be able to contain and protect an egg from a ten-foot drop. We were told to individually brainstorm and come up with at least ten ideas. I quickly sketched out ideas that poured from my train of thought, some realistic and others out of this world. I thought of parachutes, balloons, cushioning, wraps, balls, and all different structures that would insure safety for my egg. The process was long however improved my quick sketching abilities and gave me insight into the really world of industrial designing through sharing and inspiring others. After that I picked my three favorite ideas, which were springs, connecting containers w/cushion, and crates, and quickly tested them to see if they were possible. Even though they were destroyed in the testing I was able to pick and see the flaws in my best design and was able to improve it on my next trip around.
3D Sketches
Pictures soon